Hi! I’m Tobias Helmrich, creative developer.

I love crafting beautiful and enjoyable web experiences.

About Me


Nice to meet you! I’m Tobias Helmrich, a full-stack developer with a focus on building user interfaces.

I love crafting beautiful web experiences using awesome technologies. Currently I’m focusing on learning and building websites in TypeScript using React with Next.js while always open to learning and exploring new languages, frameworks and tools to create even better products. Besides that I really want to get into 3D modeling using Blender, designing user interfaces in Figma and creating 3D web experiences using three.js and react-three-fiber.


hä? WTF!

Trivia Quiz Game Web App

/images/projects/hae-wtf.jpg screenshot in mockup


Movie and Series Tracker Web App

/images/projects/consumat-io.jpg screenshot in mockup

Personal Website

Personal Portfolio Website

/images/projects/portfolio-website.jpg screenshot in mockup


Very Simple Calculator

/images/projects/VanillaCalc.jpg screenshot in mockup


Simple Drawing Web App

/images/projects/etch-a-sketch.jpg screenshot in mockup


Tetris-like Game

/images/projects/tetromino.jpg screenshot in mockup


Anime and Manga Tracking iOS Application

/images/projects/kisetsu-iphone-preview.jpeg screenshot in mockup

Want to say hi?

Get in touch with me on Twitter or send me a mail.